Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Greetings [with Emphasis on Pronunciation]

Hey guys! After a momentary pause in blogging (what else is new) I am back! I will Probably only be posting periodically rather than on a continuous basis because this year is my senior year of high school and I am taking my most rigorous schedule up to date. I have no study halls and a bigillliooonnnn college apps to fill out so maybe by January things will get back to normal.

Today I stumbled upon a really helpful blog posted by Lauren Conrad about pronunciation of high end fashion. If your like me and you pronounce net-a-porter(.com) as net-a-poter, then we have big issues! Please read and learn these pronunciations, they will save your butt. [Oh and by the way it is net (as in a fishing net) -a- (as in 'ahh' like when your relaxing) por (as in a pore on your face) te (tay, the e is kind of drawn out)].

Lauren Conrad: Most Mispronounced Words in Fashion

this one is also very helpful and has about every fashion designer you could ever need to pronounce:
How to Pronounce Common Designer Names

Enjoy xo