Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween DIY Costumes: Peacock & Typical Tourist

I thought it was only right that as a fashion blogger I did a post on Halloween, a kind of right of passage type thing. Well I'm honestly rather lost with myself on what to do for halloween, but after a lot of arguing, 2 months worth, (my friends and I started planning early because we knew we'd never figure out a costume) we decided we'd be Boxers (the fighting champion kind, not the dogs, or the underwear). With that said obviously I like Boxers as a costume but here are some other options.


To Recreate:
Get creative with the feathers and some glue, you can go very far with this own costume, plus its self made, which gives you brownie points!
False Lashes (Not included in picture)
Total: Roughly 82$ 

Typical Tourist

To Recreate:
This is actually what my friend wanted to be for Halloween, but eventually we decided against it. Regardless it is highly original, and very easily created. Just add your own sneaks and your good to go! 
(I'm aware all the links are to men's items, if you're a girl it just makes the costume that much more hilarious to wear guys clothes. This is golden, if anyone ends up doing it send me a picture I would love to see it!)
Total: Roughly 63$ (without camera, with camera 93$)

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