Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fashion For A Cause: FEED

For those of you who aren't familiar with FEED, it is a company dedicated to "feeding" the world. Through their selling of fair-trade/environmentally friendly products (including bags, bracelets, shirt, and stuffed bears) they do humanitarian work all around the world in places that have been hit by natural disasters (Japan), or places that suffer from extreme poverty. Their product descriptions explain exactly where your money will be going whether it be "providing 5 school meals to children through the UN World Food Program" (FEED Kenya Bracelet) or "supplying 500 children with a year’s worth of essential Vitamin A supplements" (FEED Our Small World Bag). 
FEED is doing a lot of amazing and inspiring work and has not been slow to catch on with the celebrities. People such as:

Reese Witherspoon

Jennifer Aniston

Rachel Bilson

Lauren Conrad

have all been seen carrying FEED bags. The most popular FEED item seems to be the FEED 100 Bag carried by R.W., R.B., and L.C. Now maybe its just me but anything thats functional, for a good cause, and being used by Lauren Conrad seems like a good buy.

This is the link to The FEED Website I will be ordering my bag soon. Will you?

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